Medical visa to Japan is a special type of visa, issued by overseas diplomatic missions of Japan to foreign patients and other accompanying persons who visit Japan for the purpose of receiving medical treatment in Japan. To obtain a medical visa, you need to submit to the embassy your application and other required documents, including a certificate of planned medical examination and treatment, issued by medical institution in Japan, and a reference letter, issued by a guarantee institutions in Japan.
Our company is registered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan as “guarantee institution”. You can check the list of registered guarantors (medical coordinators) on the homepage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. For overseas patients who wish to receive medical treatment in Japan, we support them in obtaining medical visa by providing the following two documents: 1) Certificate of planned medical examination and treatment, issued by medical institution in Japan, and 2) Reference letter, issued by KENKOMAN Co. Ltd as a guaranteeing institution.
*For details of medical visa to Japan please check the homepage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.
Content of service – process until obtaining medical visa
- Based on personal and medical information of our patients, including information of accompanying family members, we decide whether to support for medical visa or not
- Japanese medical institutions decide whether to accept our foreign patients for medical treatment or not
- After confirming the dates and time of medical examination and treatment we send you 1) Certificate of planned medical examination and treatment, issued by medical institution in Japan, and 2) Reference letter, issued by KENKOMAN Co. Ltd., as a guaranteeing institution.
- You submit to the Japanese Embassy in your country all required documents to obtain medical visa, including documents we send you and the documents you need to prepare, and obtain a medical visa. Detailed information on application and required documents for medical visa to Japan you can find at the homepage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.
- Acting as a “Guaranteeing institution” does not mean in any sense that we guarantee you in obtaining medical visa to Japan. Even if your application for a medical visa is rejected by the Japanese Embassy, the consultation and coordination fees, paid to us, will not be returned.
- There could also be situations when we cannot provide guaranteeing institution’s reference letter based on screening of your personal and medical information.
- There may be cases when we need to ask you to pay separate fee for screening of your documents before issuing guaranteeing institution’s reference letter. In addition, depending on the case, to guarantee fulfillment of your obligations, related with your stay and medical treatment in Japan, we may ask you to make a deposit of a certain amount of money to our bank account.